As SB 2451 acts like a sealer or binder to the masonry, it will seal in dirt and stains, so the time to do cosmetic cleaning and improvements is before treatment. Clean all surfaces that will receive treatment with the appropriate ShoreBest restora- tion cleaner. Penetration and properties improvement are better on masonry that is free of dirt and organic contaminants.
Provide protection for non-masonry surfaces (especially glass), foliage, vehicle and pedestrian traffic. Protect all surrounding areas and structures from possible damage, which might occur from spillage, drift or over spray during usage.
All projects should start with a test application to a properly cleaned and thoroughly dry surface to determine the suit- ability of the treatment and acceptable application method. Using the method to be used on the project, apply an area of 10 square feet to calculate coverage rate per gallon and to determine if there will be any unacceptable change in the appearance of the surface. Low-pressure spray application, using the wet on wet method, is the preferred method of application. Unlike most masonry cleaning projects the intent with SB 2451 treatment is to have as much material penetrate the substrate and be absorbed as possible. When possible, the test area should be left to age for 10 or more days to check for possible adverse reactions such as unacceptable darkening of the surface.
Dilution and Coverage
Dilution: Product used undiluted — test application recommended.
Coverage: Dependent upon substrate and other conditions.
All masonry surfaces must be dry and free of any agent or agents that will prevent penetration of the fluid. The best results are obtained when surface and ambient temperatures are between 40 and 95 degrees F. Avoid application on windy days to avoid rapid evaporation.
Apply a soaking spray to clean, dry masonry. If working in the sun on a hot day, a light spray of water to cool the surface before application may be appropriate. Work in sections small enough so that repeat applications can be done before the surface dries out from the previous application. Do not allow the product to pond in low areas. Roll or brush out to avoid potential white spots. Depending on the porosity of the substrate and degree of improvement desired, usually three applications are specified. Before the last application is dry it is generally desirable to lightly spray or mist the treated area with clean water to drive the treatment deeper into the masonry. This is particularly important in hot dry weather when premature drying of the product can lead to hardening of the surface and reducing the amount of product that can be absorbed. Within reason, the longer the surface is kept wet, the better the overall results. Post treatment rainfall will not harm the product. In some cases, brush application may be acceptable.
DO NOT ALTER THE PRODUCT — SB 2451 is to be applied as received from the factory. If the fluid comes in contact with glass or other non-masonry surfaces, remove immediately with water and/or a mild alkaline cleaner and dry with a rag. Dried product is difficult to remove.

Causes mild skin irritation Refer to product SDS or product label for hazard statements, precautionary statements and safety information
Shore Corporation warrants that this product conforms to the chemical composition described in the Product Label. SHORE CORPORATION EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Shore Corporation shall not be responsible for any direct or consequential damages sustained as a result of the use of this product. Further, Shore Corporation shall not be liable for personal injuries, property damage or any other damages as a result of the use of this product, the sole responsibility of Shore Corporation under the within WARRANTY being the replacement of any nonconforming product. Acceptance and use of this product absolves Shore Corporation from any other such liability whatsoever and from whatever source. The within WARRANTY may not be modified or extended by Shore Corporation representatives or distributors, neither of which are empowered to make any product representation inconsistent with the terms hereof.